According to the 6th article of the LIA-ROC’s charter, its purpose and mandate are as follows:
(1) Investigate, research, propagate, develop and analyze the statistical data of the industry.
(2) Act in the best common interest.
(3) Act as mediator where conflicts arises among members.
(4) Act as mediator where conflicts arises among employees and employers of the industry.
(5)Help introduce and enforce regulations and insurance premium rates of the industry.
(6) Maintain the legal rights of the members.
(7)Deal with and report to the authorities regarding non-compliance activities among members.
(8) Undertake the projects requested by related organizations.
(9) Provide suggestions to the authorities including reconsiderations and appeals.
(10) Issue periodical publications of the life insurance business.
(11) Help in the research and implementation of financial policies, commercial laws and regulations as well as participating in public activities.
(12) Help in the setting up and registration of all necessary information of member companies and their representatives.
(13) Conduct business properly as required by the applicable rules and regulations.